Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the quake (2018)

Original title: skjelvet
106 min
Thriller, Dramatic, Action
Poster of movie the quake
in 1904 an earthquake of magnitude 5.4 on the richter scale shook oslo, with an epicenter in the "oslo graben" which runs under the norwegian capital. there are now signs that indicate that we can expect a major future earthquake in oslo.


Production and Screenplay

Pavel Mullerproduttore
Harald Rosenløw-Eegsceneggiatore
Are Heidenstromproduttore
Martin Sundlandproduttore
Jan Eirik langoenproduttore
John Kåre raakesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Dahl Torp AneDahl Torp Ane(età:43)
Stig R. Amdam(età:57)
Per Frisch(età:67)

Technical staff

John Christian rosenlunddirettore della fotografia
Nora Sopkováarredatore
Andrea Koutkovatruccatore
Kaja Raastadarredatore
Jannecke Bervelcasting
Jan Kalousscenografo
Dimitra Drakopouloutruccatore
Johannes Ringenmusiche