Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Slaughterhouse-Five (1972)

Original title: slaughterhouse-five
97 min
Poster of movie Slaughterhouse-Five
a man named billy pilgrim tells the story of how he became unstuck in time and was abducted by aliens.

Festivals and awards


George Roy HillGeorge Roy Hillregista

Production and Screenplay

Stephen Gellersceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

ufficiale tedesco
billy pilgrim
edgar derby
montana wildhack
paul lazzaro
ufficiale britannico prigioniero
valencia merble pilgrim, moglie di billy
barbara pilgrim, figlia di billy
robert pilgrim, figlio di pilgrim
Perry KingPerry King(età:24)
Ron LeibmanRon Leibman(età:35)
Eugene RocheEugene Roche(età:44)
Michael Sacks(età:24)
Holly Near(età:23)
Sharon Gans(età:30)

Technical staff

Dede AllenDede Allenmontatore
Alexander GolitzenAlexander Golitzenscenografo
Henry BumsteadHenry Bumsteadscenografo
Miroslav OndricekMiroslav Ondricekdirettore della fotografia
George C. Webbscenografo
ManJohn Mccarthy jr.scenografo
Glenn GouldGlenn Gouldmusiche

Voices and Dubbing