Database of cinema, music, history and literature

smart people (2008)

Original title: smart people
Production: USA|93 min
Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie smart people


Murro NoamMurro Noamregista

Production and Screenplay

Mark Poiriersceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Dennis QuaidDennis Quaid(età:54)
(lawrence wetherhold)
Sarah Jessica ParkerSarah Jessica Parker(età:43)
(janet hartigan)
Thomas Haden churchThomas Haden church(età:48)
(chuck wetherhold)
Ellen PageEllen Page(età:21)
(vanessa wetherhold)
Ashton HolmesAshton Holmes(età:30)
(james wetherhold)
Christine LahtiChristine Lahti(età:58)
Camille ManaCamille Mana(età:25)
David DenmanDavid Denman(età:35)
Robert Haley(età:88)

Technical staff

Amy Westcottcostumista
Teresa Visinarescenografo
Ron Berkeleytruccatore
Robert Frazenmontatore
Yana Gorskayamontatore
Toby Irwindirettore della fotografia