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Soldier in the Rain (1963)

Original title: soldier in the rain
Production: USA|88 min| black and white
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie Soldier in the Rain
the bond of friendship between a worldly-wise army master sergeant and his naive worshiper.

Origin of the subject


Ralph NelsonRalph Nelsonregista

Production and Screenplay

Blake EdwardsBlake Edwardsproduttore
Blake EdwardsBlake Edwardssceneggiatore
William GoldmanWilliam Goldmansceneggiatore
Maurice Richlinsceneggiatore
Martin Jurowproduttore
Dick CrockettDick Crockettproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

bobbi jo pepperdine
Tuesday WeldTuesday Weld(età:20)
jerry meltzer
Tony BillTony Bill(età:23)
Tom PostonTom Poston(età:42)
sergente eustis clay
Steve McqueenSteve Mcqueen(età:33)
sergente maggiore maxwell slaughter
Adam WestAdam West(età:35)
Ed NelsonEd Nelson(età:35)
Sam FlintSam Flint(età:81)
Paul HartmannPaul Hartmann(età:74)
Chris Noel(età:22)
Lewis CharlesLewis Charles(età:43)
Diane Sayer(età:25)
Lew GalloLew Gallo(età:35)

Technical staff

Henry ManciniHenry Mancinimusiche
Ralph E. WintersRalph E. Wintersmontatore
Philip H. Lathropdirettore della fotografia
James W. paynearredatore
Philip Barberscenografo
Bud Bashaw jr.truccatore
Sugar Blymyerparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1963)