Database of cinema, music, history and literature

someone like you (2001)

Original title: someone like you
Production: USA|97 min
Comedy, Romantic, Psychological
Poster of movie someone like you
a girl who professionally finds guests for a tv talk show falls in love with the program's producer. but he soon finds out that he is a faithless bastard. the burning experience serves her at least to write, under a pseudonym, a costume column on a moderately feminist monthly, where she explains her theory that men behave like bulls always looking for a new cow.


Tony GoldwynTony Goldwynregista

Production and Screenplay

Lynda Obstproduttore
Elizabeth Chandlersceneggiatore
Elisabeth Chandlersceneggiatore
Jim Choryproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Ashley JuddAshley Judd(età:33)
(jane goodale)
Hugh JackmanHugh Jackman(età:33)
(eddie alden)
Greg KinnearGreg Kinnear(età:38)
(Ray Brown)
Ellen BarkinEllen Barkin(età:47)
(diane roberts)
Catherine DentCatherine Dent(età:36)
Laura ReganLaura Regan(età:24)
Peter FriedmanPeter Friedman(età:52)
Naomi JuddNaomi Judd(età:55)
(makeup artist)
Donna Hanover(età:51)
(mary lou corkle)
Keith Reddin(età:45)
(male scientist)
Marisa TomeiMarisa Tomei(età:37)
furry animal
narrator on tv
Colleen CampColleen Camp(età:48)
Veronica WebbVeronica Webb(età:36)
Mireille EnosMireille Enos(età:26)
Sabine Singh(età:27)
Hugh Downs(età:80)
David Kener(età:42)

Technical staff

Ann RothAnn Rothcostumista
Billy HopkinsBilly Hopkinscasting
Kerry Bardencasting
Rolfe Kentmusiche
Felicity Bowringtruccatore
Dan Leighscenografo
Beth Millerparrucchiere
Michelle Matlandcostumista
Dana Congdonmontatore
Anthony B. Richmonddirettore della fotografia
Joseph A. campaynotruccatore
Michael Kristonparrucchiere
Suzanne Crowleycasting
Fredda Slavinscenografo
Christine Moosherarredatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2001)