Database of cinema, music, history and literature

son of a gunfighter (1965)

Original title: son of a gunfighter
Production: USA|91 min|
Western, Action, Adventure
a young man left alone in search of his father, who fled home in unclear circumstances. he considers him responsible for his mother's death. after a long and frantic search he finds him in mexico, where he has taken refuge and where he commands a band of pistoleros. there is a duel between the two, but then the true responsibilities of the crime emerge.


Paul LandresPaul Landresregista

Production and Screenplay

Clarke Reynoldssceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

johnny ketchum
Russ TamblynRuss Tamblyn(età:31)
mace fenton
Kieron Moore(età:41)
james 'ace' ketchum
don pedro fortuna
Fernando ReyFernando Rey(età:48)
pilar fortuna
juan morales
Aldo SambrellAldo Sambrell(età:34)
Antonio CasasAntonio Casas(età:54)
Barta Barri(età:54)
sceriffo litton

Technical staff

Manuel Berenguerdirettore della fotografia
Carmen Martintruccatore
Robert Mellinmusiche
Sherman A. rosemontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1965)