Database of cinema, music, history and literature

South of Reno (1988)

Original title: south of reno
97 min
Poster of movie South of Reno
in a drab desert town, some 200 miles south of reno, an indecisive man with an unfaithful wife dreams of someday, someday, taking charge of his drifting life.

Festivals and awards


Mark Rezykaregista

Production and Screenplay

Mark Rezykascrittore
Robert Tinnellproduttore
T.l. Lankfordscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

Bert RemsenBert Remsen(età:66)
Bette DavisBette Davis(età:80)
Lisa BlountLisa Blount(età:31)
Leslie HowardLeslie Howard(età:95)
Fred AstaireFred Astaire(età:89)
Joe Estevez(età:42)
Duane Tucker(età:40)
Brandis Kemp(età:44)

Technical staff

Marc Grossmanmontatore
Philip Duffinscenografo
Nigel Holtonmusiche
Elizabeth Moorescenografo