Database of cinema, music, history and literature

south park: bigger, longer and uncut (1999)

Original title: longer & uncut
Production: USA|81 min
Comedy, Action, Animation
Poster of movie south park: bigger, longer and uncut
when cartman and his friends go see an r rated movie, they start cursing and their parents think that canada is to blame.

Festivals and awards


Trey ParkerTrey Parkerregista

Production and Screenplay

Scott RudinScott Rudinproduttore
Scott RudinScott Rudinproduttore esecutivo
Adam Schroederproduttore esecutivo
Trey ParkerTrey Parkerproduttore
Trey ParkerTrey Parkersceneggiatore
Matt Stoneproduttore
Matt Stonesceneggiatore
Pam Bradysceneggiatore
Pam Bradyscrittore
Mark Roybalproduttore
Gina Shayproduttore
Deborah Lieblingproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

winona ryder
mr. garrison
conan o'brien/kenny
tom (world news) / nano in bikini
dr. gouache
dr. vosknocker
ned gerblansky
la talpa
stan/cartman/mr. garrison/satana/pompadour/mr. mackey/ned/generale/randy marsh/ambasciatore canadese/altri
liane cartman/sheila broflovski/wendy/clitoride/altri
ike broflovski
brian dennehy
mr. mackey/gran gay al
ministro dello spettacolo canadese
randy marsh
sharon marsh
sheila broflovski
liane cartman
Brent SpinerBrent Spiner(età:50)
Minnie DriverMinnie Driver(età:29)
Dave FoleyDave Foley(età:36)
Nick RhodesNick Rhodes(età:37)
Deb AdairDeb Adair(età:33)

Technical staff

Marc ShaimanMarc Shaimanmusiche
Trey ParkerTrey Parkermusiche
Eric Stoughaltro
John Venzonmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1999)

Stefano CrescentiniStefano Crescentini Voice of la talpa
Cesare BarbettiCesare Barbetti Voice of brian dennehy
Angelo NicotraAngelo Nicotra Voice of mr. garrison
Serena VerdirosiSerena Verdirosi Voice of clitoride
Ilaria LatiniIlaria Latini Voice of ike broflovski
Fabrizio ManfrediFabrizio Manfredi Voice of Kyle
Giorgio LopezGiorgio Lopez Voice of Jimbo
Manlio De AngelisManlio De Angelis Voice of Saddam Hussein
Massimo De AmbrosisMassimo De Ambrosis Voice of trombino
Massimo Pizzirani Voice of Satana
Alba CardilliAlba Cardilli Voice of sharon marsh
Eleonora De AngelisEleonora De Angelis Voice of Wendy
Vittorio StagniVittorio Stagni Voice of Clyde
Roberto GamminoRoberto Gammino Voice of cartman
Simone MoriSimone Mori Voice of Pompadour
Nino PresterNino Prester Voice of ministro dello spettacolo canadese
Mauro MagliozziMauro Magliozzi Voice of randy marsh
Stefanella MarramaStefanella Marrama Voice of liane cartman
Marco MeteMarco Mete Voice of conan o'brien/kenny
Riccardo RossiRiccardo Rossi Voice of Gregory
Micaela EsdraMicaela Esdra Voice of winona ryder
Neri MarcoréNeri Marcoré Voice of mr. mackey/gran gay al
Renato MoriRenato Mori Voice of chef
Tiziana AvaristaTiziana Avarista Voice of sheila broflovski
Nanni BaldiniNanni Baldini Voice of Stan

Version Originale(1999)

Mary Kay bergmanMary Kay bergman Voice of liane cartman/sheila broflovski/wendy/clitoride/altri
Jenifer Howell Voice of Bebe
Matt Stone Voice of kyle/kenny/saddam/jimbo
Mike Judge Voice of Kenny
Trey ParkerTrey Parker Voice of stan/cartman/mr. garrison/satana/pompadour/mr. mackey/ned/generale/randy marsh/ambasciatore canadese/altri
Jesse Howell Voice of ike broflovski
George ClooneyGeorge Clooney Voice of dr. gouache
Isaac HayesIsaac Hayes Voice of chef
Eric IdleEric Idle Voice of dr. vosknocker