Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Speakeasy (1929)

Original title: speakeasy
Production: USA|62 min| black and white
Dramatic, Romantic, Crime
Poster of movie Speakeasy

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

Edwin J. burkeEdwin J. burkedialoghi

Characters and Interpreters

John WayneJohn Wayne(età:22)
Stuart ErwinStuart Erwin(età:26)
Lola Lane(età:23)
Robert Wilber(età:33)
Helen WareHelen Ware(età:52)
Paul Page(età:26)
Ivan Linow(età:41)
Helen LynchHelen Lynch(età:29)

Technical staff

Joseph A. ValentineJoseph A. Valentinedirettore della fotografia
Sophie Wachnercostumista
J. Edwin robbinsmontatore