Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

Original title: spider-man: into the spider-verse
Production: USA|117 min
Science fiction, Action, Animation
Poster of movie Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
teen miles morales becomes spider-man of his reality, crossing his path with five counterparts from other dimensions to stop a threat for all realities.
This movie is episode 1 of the series Spider-Man: Spider-Verse composed by:

Festivals and awards


Rodney Rothmanregista
Peter Ramseyregista
Bob Persichettiregista

Production and Screenplay

Stan LeeStan Leeproduttore esecutivo
Christina Steinbergproduttore
Avi Aradproduttore
Rodney Rothmansceneggiatore
Phil Lord e chris millersceneggiatore
Amy Pascalproduttore
Christopher Millerproduttore
Phil LordPhil Lordproduttore
Phil LordPhil Lordsceneggiatore
Phil LordPhil Lordscrittore
Will Allegraproduttore esecutivo
Theresa Bentzproduttore
Christian Hejnalproduttore
Brian Michael bendisproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Mary Jane Watson
may parker
jefferson davis
peni parker /sp//dr
miles morales
gwen stacy/ spider-gwen
aaron davis/ prowler
peter b. parker / spider-man (terra - 616)
rio morales
spider-man noir
miguel o'hara/ spider-man 2099
green goblin
peter parker / spider-man (terra - 1610)
miss calleros
olivia "liv" octavius/ doctor octopus
peni parker/ sp//dr
brooklyn visions security guard
miles morales / spider-man
interesting person #2
gwen stacy / spider-gwen
aaron davis / prowler
miguel o'hara / spider-man 2099
olivia "liv" octavius / doctor octopus
scientist in cafeteria
vanessa fisk
brooklyn friend
brooklyn visions teacher
additional voices
Stan LeeStan Lee(età:96)
Greta LeeGreta Lee(età:35)

Technical staff

Justin K. ThompsonJustin K. Thompsonscenografo
Robert Fisher jr.montatore
Mary Hidalgocasting
Patrick O'keefescenografo
Dean Gordonscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2018)

Roisin NicosiaRoisin Nicosia Voice of gwen stacy / spider-gwen
Simone MoriSimone Mori Voice of jefferson davis
Emanuele RuzzaEmanuele Ruzza Voice of miguel o'hara / spider-man 2099
Tommaso Di Giacomo Voice of miles morales / spider-man
Paolo MarchesePaolo Marchese Voice of Kingpin
Daniele De Lisi Voice of spider-ham
Olivia CostantiniOlivia Costantini Voice of peni parker /sp//dr
Stefano CrescentiniStefano Crescentini Voice of peter b. parker / spider-man (terra - 616)
Pasquale AnselmoPasquale Anselmo Voice of spider-man noir
Alberto AngrisanoAlberto Angrisano Voice of aaron davis / prowler
Ilaria LatiniIlaria Latini Voice of rio morales
Jacopo VenturieroJacopo Venturiero Voice of peter parker / spider-man (terra - 1610)

Version Originale(2018)

Mahershala AliMahershala Ali Voice of aaron davis/ prowler
Lauren VelezLauren Velez Voice of rio morales
Oscar IsaacOscar Isaac Voice of miguel o'hara/ spider-man 2099
Kathryn HahnKathryn Hahn Voice of olivia "liv" octavius/ doctor octopus
Hailee SteinfeldHailee Steinfeld Voice of gwen stacy/ spider-gwen
Brian Tyree henryBrian Tyree henry Voice of jefferson davis
John Mulaney Voice of spider-ham
Zoë KravitzZoë Kravitz Voice of Mary Jane Watson
Shameik MooreShameik Moore Voice of miles morales
Liev SchreiberLiev Schreiber Voice of Kingpin
Nicolas CageNicolas Cage Voice of spider-man noir
Chris PineChris Pine Voice of peter parker / spider-man (terra - 1610)
Jake JohnsonJake Johnson Voice of peter b. parker / spider-man (terra - 616)
Lily TomlinLily Tomlin Voice of may parker
Jorma TacconeJorma Taccone Voice of green goblin
Kimiko GlennKimiko Glenn Voice of peni parker/ sp//dr

Music tracks of the soundtrack