Database of cinema, music, history and literature

stagecoach to fury (1956)

Original title: stagecoach to fury
75 min| black and white|

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Eric Nordensceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

forrest tucker
mari blanchard
wallace ford
paul fix
wright king
rodolfo hoyos jr.
william 'bill' phillips
steven geray
rico alaniz
ian mcdonald
ellen corby
norman leavitt
leslie banning
paul fierro
robert karnes
Paul FixPaul Fix(età:55)
Rico AlanizRico Alaniz(età:37)
Wallace FordWallace Ford(età:58)
Steven GeraySteven Geray(età:52)
Ellen CorbyEllen Corby(età:45)
Wright KingWright King(età:33)
Ian Mcdonald(età:42)
Paul BryarPaul Bryar(età:46)
Margia Dean(età:34)
Robert KarnesRobert Karnes(età:39)
Alex Montoya(età:49)
Paul Fierro(età:40)

Technical staff

Carl PiersonCarl Piersonmontatore
Walter StrengeWalter Strengedirettore della fotografia
Paul DunlapPaul Dunlapmusiche
Ernst Fegtescenografo
Willard Coleetruccatore