star wars: the force awakens (2015)
Original title: star wars: the force awakens
Production: USA|136 min
Science fiction, Action, Fantasy

three decades after the empire's defeat, a new threat arises in the militant first order. defected stormtrooper finn and the scavenger rey are caught up in the resistance's search for the missing luke skywalker.
This movie is episode 7 of the series guerre stellari composed by:
Festivals and awards
Bafta 2016 -
Best Special Visual Effects
Assigned to: Neal Scanlan, Roger Guyett, Paul Kavanagh, Chris Corbould

Assigned to: Neal Scanlan, Roger Guyett, Paul Kavanagh, Chris Corbould
saturn awards 2016 -
Best Special Effects
Assigned to: Chris Corbould, Neal Scanlan, Roger Guyett, Patrick Tubach

Assigned to: Chris Corbould, Neal Scanlan, Roger Guyett, Patrick Tubach
Oscar 2016 - nomination Best Visual Effects
Assigned to: Roger Guyett, Patrick Tubach, Neal Scanlan, Chris Corbould
Assigned to: Roger Guyett, Patrick Tubach, Neal Scanlan, Chris Corbould
Oscar 2016 - nomination Best Sound Effects
Assigned to: Stuart Wilson, Andy Nelson, Christopher Scarabosio
Assigned to: Stuart Wilson, Andy Nelson, Christopher Scarabosio
Bafta 2016 - nomination Best Production Design
Assigned to: Lee Sandales, Rick Carter, Darren Gilfort
Assigned to: Lee Sandales, Rick Carter, Darren Gilfort
Bafta 2016 - nomination Best Sound
Assigned to: Stuart Wilson, Matthew Wood, Andy Nelson, Christopher Scarabosio, David Acord
Assigned to: Stuart Wilson, Matthew Wood, Andy Nelson, Christopher Scarabosio, David Acord
saturn awards 2016 - nomination Best Director

Production and Screenplay

Jason d. Mcgatlin: produttore
Ben Rosenblatt: produttore
Leifur b. Dagfinnsson: produttore
Tommy Harper: produttore esecutivo
John Swartz: produttore
Michelle Rejwan: produttore
Susan Towner: produttore
Interpreters and Characters
admiral Ackbar
nien nunb
resistance pa announcer
hangar officer / forest stormtrooper
starkiller pa announcer
niima scavenger
hosnian citizen / starkiller technician
hangar officer / starkiller stormtrooper
obi-wan kenobi
resistance technician
red eyed sand alien
hangar officer / starkiller technician
niima scavenger / forest stormtrooper
niima thug

Kenny Ii Baker(età:81)

Kiran Shah(età:59)
Tim Rose(età:59)

Paul Warren(età:41)

Victor Mcguire(età:51)

Nigel Godrich(età:44)

Matthew Wood(età:43)
Yayan Ruhian(età:47)

James Arnold taylor(età:46)

Tosin Cole(età:23)

Karol Steele(età:53)
Raymond Mamrak(età:43)
Jesse michael Fullington(età:24)

Gerald w. Abrams(età:76)

Jimmy Vee(età:56)
Gary Hailes(età:50)
Rony Bridges(età:69)
François Sternkiker(età:26)
Marc Rolfe(età:28)
Jamie B. chambers(età:28)
Ashley Ward(età:32)
Jamie Clay(età:60)
David M. santana(età:31)
Technical staff

Michael Kaplan: costumista
Rick Carter: scenografo
Jessica Needham: truccatore

Bill Corso: truccatore
Roger Guyett: effetti speciali
Byrne Amy: truccatore
Nicholas Sharon: truccatore
Neal Scanlan: effetti speciali
Mary Jo markey: montatore

Darren Gilford: scenografo
Darren Gilfort: scenografo

Jutta Russell: truccatore
Daniel Lawson johnston: truccatore
Stuart Rose: scenografo
Amanda Knight: truccatore
Dan Mindel: direttore della fotografia
Adrian Rigby: truccatore
Robb Crafer: truccatore
Claire Matthews: truccatore
Karen Asano-myers: parrucchiere
Jenny Harling: parrucchiere
Neil Lamont: scenografo
Mary Mackenzie: scenografo
Christopher Scarabosio: mixage
Matthew Wood: tecnico del suono

Paul Kavanagh: effetti speciali
Lee Sandales: arredatore
Lisa Tomblin: parrucchiere

David Acord: tecnico del suono
Nadia Homri: parrucchiere
Nuria Mbomio: truccatore
Annette Field: parrucchiere

Charlotte Rogers: truccatore
Kevin Jenkins: scenografo

Alex Rouse: truccatore
Nathaniel De'lineadeus: truccatore
Holly Edwards: truccatore
Ryo Murakawa: parrucchiere
Adam james Phillips: parrucchiere
Julia Wilson: truccatore
Kerstin Weller: parrucchiere
Andrew Simonin: parrucchiere
Kathryn Fa: parrucchiere
Jenna roseanne Drew: truccatore
Francesca Crowder: parrucchiere
Alyssa Weisberg: casting
Mary Castor: truccatore
Pollyanna Coxon-smith: parrucchiere
Gary Tomkins: scenografo
Katie Pattenden: parrucchiere
Amy Elliot: truccatore
Nadine Mann: parrucchiere
David Dorling: parrucchiere
Jill Hornby: truccatore
Alastair Bullock: scenografo
Robert Cowper: scenografo
Chloe Grice: truccatore
Peter Dorme: scenografo
Hayley easton Street: scenografo
Andrew Palmer: scenografo
Samantha Easey: truccatore
Ashley Lamont: scenografo
Mary Samele: truccatore
Stephen Swain: scenografo
Mark Harris: scenografo
Georgia Thompson: parrucchiere
Jordana Finkel: scenografo
Bianca Stewart: truccatore
Helga Bosman: parrucchiere

James Clyne: scenografo
Voices and Dubbing
Version Italia(2015)