Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Station Agent (2003)

Original title: the station agent
Production: USA|89 min
Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie The Station Agent
when his only friend dies, a man born with dwarfism moves to rural new jersey to live a life of solitude, only to meet a chatty hot dog vendor and a woman dealing with her own personal loss.

Festivals and awards


Tom McCarthyTom McCarthyregista

Production and Screenplay

Kathryn Tuckerproduttore
Mary Jane Skalskiproduttore
Robert Mayproduttore
Tom McCarthyTom McCarthysceneggiatore
Tom McCarthyTom McCarthyscrittore
Joshua Zemanproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Finbar McBride
Paula GarcesPaula Garces(età:29)
Henry Styles
Paul Benjamin(età:65)
Josh PaisJosh Pais(età:39)
Louis Tiboni
Richard KindRichard Kind(età:47)
Joe Oramas
Olivia Harris
Lynn CohenLynn Cohen(età:70)
Raven GoodwinRaven Goodwin(età:11)
Jayce Bartok(età:28)
John SlatteryJohn Slattery(età:41)
signora Kahn
Ileen GetzIleen Getz(età:42)
ragazza nel bar

Technical staff

Billy HopkinsBilly Hopkinscasting
Suzanne Smithcasting
Kerry Bardencasting
Stephen Traskmusiche
Oliver Bokelbergdirettore della fotografia
Tom Mcardlemontatore
Kerry Bardemcasting
John Painoscenografo
Len Claytonscenografo
Erin Ohannesonscenografo
Erin Ohannesonarredatore
Jeanne Dupontcostumista
Dana Eldertruccatore
Dana Elderparrucchiere
Julia Lallastruccatore
Suzanne Crowleycasting
Len X. claytonscenografo