Database of cinema, music, history and literature

strange magic (2015)

Original title: strange magic
Production: USA|99 min
Animation, Comedy, Musical
Poster of movie strange magic
goblins, elves, fairies and imps, and their misadventures sparked by the battle over a powerful potion.

Origin of the subject


Gary Rydstromregista

Production and Screenplay

George LucasGeorge Lucasproduttore esecutivo
George LucasGeorge Lucasscrittore
Gary Rydstromsceneggiatore
David Berenbaumsceneggiatore
Irene Mecchisceneggiatore
S. Miller Markproduttore
Kevin Munroeproduttore
Jason d. Mcgatlinproduttore
Kiri Hartproduttore esecutivo
Sarah Mcarthurproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

re palude
fata dolceprugna
re delle fate
elfo di prugne
gus arrabbiato
fairy cronies
plum elf
turtle back
Joe Whyte(età:54)
Nicole Vigil(età:46)

Technical staff

David Rubincasting
Richard Hickscasting
Marius De vriesmusiche
Simon Murtonscenografo
Chris Plummermontatore
John Damien ryanmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2015)

Pino InsegnoPino Insegno Voice of re palude
Francesco De FrancescoFrancesco De Francesco Voice of Bruto
Edoardo StoppacciaroEdoardo Stoppacciaro Voice of Roland
Mario CordovaMario Cordova Voice of re delle fate
Joy SaltarelliJoy Saltarelli Voice of Marianne
Marco Fumarola Voice of elfo di prugne
Massimo LopezMassimo Lopez Voice of robo
Simone CrisariSimone Crisari Voice of Sunny
Fiamma IzzoFiamma Izzo Voice of fata dolceprugna
Carlo ScipioniCarlo Scipioni Voice of gus arrabbiato
Luigi FerraroLuigi Ferraro Voice of Colla
Erica NecciErica Necci Voice of Alba
Cristina NociCristina Noci Voice of Griselda

Version Originale(2015)

Maya RudolphMaya Rudolph Voice of Griselda
Alan CummingAlan Cumming Voice of re palude
Sam PalladioSam Palladio Voice of Roland
Alfred MolinaAlfred Molina Voice of re delle fate
Evan Rachel WoodEvan Rachel Wood Voice of Marianne
Llou Johnson Voice of pari
Bob Einstein Voice of robo
Elijah KelleyElijah Kelley Voice of Sunny
Kristin ChenowethKristin Chenoweth Voice of fata dolceprugna
Peter StormarePeter Stormare Voice of Colla
Meredith Anne Bull Voice of Alba

Music tracks of the soundtrack