Database of cinema, music, history and literature

stuart little 3: call of the wild (2005)

Original title: stuart little 3: call of the wild
Production: USA
Comedy, Animation, Adventure
Poster of movie stuart little 3: call of the wild
the little family spend their vacation near lake garland. meanwhile, in the forest, a beast is threatening the animals to give her food every night.
This movie is episode 3 of the series stuart little composed by:


Audu Padenregista

Production and Screenplay

Douglas Wickproduttore
Douglas Wickscrittore
Bill Motzsceneggiatore
Bob Rothsceneggiatore
Bob Shawsceneggiatore
Lucy Fisherproduttore
Don Mcenerysceneggiatore
Ollie Hughesproduttore
Rachel Shaneproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Stuart Little
Fiocco di Neve
George Little
forest animal
frederick little
eleanor little
various children voices
boy scout

Technical staff

Susan Blucasting
Atli ÖrvarssonAtli Örvarssonmusiche
ManRobert Gordonmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2005)

Paila PavesePaila Pavese Voice of Bestia
Virginia BrunettiVirginia Brunetti Voice of Brooke
Flavio AquiloneFlavio Aquilone Voice of George Little
Luca LaurentiLuca Laurenti Voice of Stuart Little
Francesco BulckaenFrancesco Bulckaen Voice of frederick little
Roberto Del giudiceRoberto Del giudice Voice of Fiocco di Neve
Alessandra KorompayAlessandra Korompay Voice of eleanor little

Version Originale(2005)

Geena DavisGeena Davis Voice of eleanor little
Wayne BradyWayne Brady Voice of reeko
Tara StrongTara Strong Voice of Brooke
Virginia MadsenVirginia Madsen Voice of Bestia
Michael J. FoxMichael J. Fox Voice of Stuart Little
Hugh LaurieHugh Laurie Voice of frederick little
Kevin Schon Voice of Fiocco di Neve