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superman: doomsday [filmTV] (2007)

Original title: superman: doomsday
Production: USA|75 min| tv movie
Action, Science fiction, Dramatic, Animation
Poster of movie superman: doomsday [filmTV]
when lexcorps accidentally unleash a murderous creature, doomsday, superman meets his greatest challenge as a champion. based on the "the death of superman" storyline that appeared in dc comics' publications in the 1990s.


Brandon Viettiregista
Bruce TimmBruce Timmregista

Production and Screenplay

Bruce TimmBruce Timmproduttore
Bruce TimmBruce Timmscrittore
Bobbie Pageproduttore
Sander Schwartzproduttore esecutivo
Duane Capizzisceneggiatore
Duane Capizziscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

Jimmy Olsen / Guardian
Lex Luthor
Lois Lane
Perry White
Martha Kent
mercy graves
Kal-El / Clark Kent / Superman
damon swank
officer tucker
drill operator
grumpy man

Technical staff

Andrea Romanocasting
Robert J. kralmusiche
Joe Gallmontatore
Robert Kralmusiche
Bruce TimmBruce Timmscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2007)

Bruno AlessandroBruno Alessandro Voice of Perry White
Christian IansanteChristian Iansante Voice of Kal-El / Clark Kent / Superman
Davide PerinoDavide Perino Voice of Jimmy Olsen / Guardian
Alessio CiglianoAlessio Cigliano Voice of Lex Luthor
Georgia LeporeGeorgia Lepore Voice of Lois Lane

Version Originale(2007)

Cree SummerCree Summer Voice of mercy graves
James MarstersJames Marsters Voice of Lex Luthor
Adam WylieAdam Wylie Voice of Jimmy Olsen / Guardian
Swoosie KurtzSwoosie Kurtz Voice of Martha Kent
John DiMaggioJohn DiMaggio Voice of giocattolaio
Adam BaldwinAdam Baldwin Voice of Kal-El / Clark Kent / Superman
Tom KennyTom Kenny Voice of robot
Anne HecheAnne Heche Voice of Lois Lane
Ray WiseRay Wise Voice of Perry White