Database of cinema, music, history and literature

survival of the dead - l'isola dei sopravvissuti (2009)

Original title: survival of the dead
Production: Canada, USA|90 min
Poster of movie survival of the dead - l'isola dei sopravvissuti
This movie is episode 6 of the series night of the living dead composed by:

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

George A. RomeroGeorge A. Romerosceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Alan Van SprangAlan Van Sprang(età:38)
(sarge "nicotina" crocket)
Kenneth WelshKenneth Welsh(età:67)
(patrick o'flynn)
Kathleen MunroeKathleen Munroe(età:27)
(janet /jane o'flynn)
Devon BostickDevon Bostick(età:18)
Richard FitzpatrickRichard Fitzpatrick
(seamus muldoon)
Athena KarkanisAthena Karkanis(età:28)
Stefano Dimatteo
Joris JarskyJoris Jarsky(età:35)

Technical staff

Arvinder Grewalscenografo
Adam Swicadirettore della fotografia
Joshu De cartierscenografo
Michael Dohertymontatore
Robert Carlimusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2009)