Database of cinema, music, history and literature

susanna ha dormito qui (1954)

Original title: susan slept here
Production: USA|98 min|
Comedy, Romantic

Festivals and awards

Oscar 1955 - nomination Best Sound
Assigned to: John O.aalberg


Frank TashlinFrank Tashlinregista

Interpreters and Characters

Dick PowellDick Powell(età:50)
Debbie ReynoldsDebbie Reynolds(età:22)
(debbie reynolds)
Anne FrancisAnne Francis(età:24)
(anne francis)
Alvy MooreAlvy Moore(età:29)
(alvy moore)
Glenda FarrellGlenda Farrell(età:53)
(glenda farrell)
Horace McmahonHorace Mcmahon(età:48)
(horace mcmahon)
Herb VigranHerb Vigran(età:44)
(herb vigran)
Les TremayneLes Tremayne(età:41)
(les tremayne)
Mara Lane
(mara lane)
Maidie Norman(età:42)
(maidie norman)
Rita JohnsonRita Johnson(età:42)
(rita johnson)
Ellen CorbyEllen Corby(età:43)
(ellen corby)
Benny RubinBenny Rubin(età:55)
(benny rubin)
Barbara Darrow(età:23)
(barbara darrow)
Michael Jeffrey
(michael jeffrey)
Evan Loew
(evan loew)
Don Cornell
(don cornell)
Red SkeltonRed Skelton(età:41)

Technical staff

Nicholas Musuracadirettore della fotografia
Carroll ClarkCarroll Clarkscenografo
John O.aalbergtecnico del suono
Leigh HarlineLeigh Harlinemusiche
Darrell SilveraDarrell Silverascenografo
Harry Markermontatore
Jack Lawrencemusiche
Richard Myersmusiche
Mel BernsMel Bernstruccatore
Michael Woulfecostumista
Larry GermainLarry Germaintruccatore
Al Orenbachscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1954)

Stefano SibaldiStefano Sibaldi Voice of Mark