Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Sutemose (2019)

Original title: sutemose
128 min
Poster of movie Sutemose
a historical drama set in lithuania in 1948, "au crã©puscule" focuses on ountã©, a 19-year old boy who experiences passion and violence after joining a group of partisans resisting the soviet occupation.

Festivals and awards


Sharunas BartasSharunas Bartasregista

Production and Screenplay

Sharunas BartasSharunas Bartasproduttore
Sharunas BartasSharunas Bartassceneggiatore
Gints Grubeproduttore
Inese Bokaproduttore
Janja Kraljproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Technical staff

Jurgis Karsonsscenografo
Alina Lumontatore
Alina Lucasting