Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Sweet Dreams (1985)

Original title: sweet dreams
Production: USA|115 min
Dramatic, Historical, Musical
Poster of movie Sweet Dreams
the story of patsy cline, the velvet-voiced country music singer who died in a tragic plane crash at the height of her fame.

Festivals and awards

Oscar 1986 - nomination miglior attrice
Assigned to: Jessica Lange


Karel ReiszKarel Reiszregista
Edward Ludwigregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert Getchellsceneggiatore
Charles Mulvehillproduttore
Bernard Schwartzproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

charlie dick
Ed HarrisEd Harris(età:35)
hilda hensley
randy hughes
David ClennonDavid Clennon(età:42)
Gary BasarabaGary Basaraba(età:26)
John GoodmanJohn Goodman(età:33)
arthur godfrey
Bruce KirbyBruce Kirby(età:60)
p.j. soles
gerald dine
James Staley(età:37)
Jessica LangeJessica Lange(età:36)
Tony FrankTony Frank(età:42)
Jerry Haynes(età:58)
Dennis Saylor(età:32)
Toni Sawyer(età:46)
Donna Drew(età:56)
Carlton CuseCarlton Cuse(età:26)

Technical staff

Charles Grossmusiche
Malcolm Cookemontatore
Robbie Greenbergdirettore della fotografia
Ann RothAnn Rothcostumista
Albert BrennerAlbert Brennerscenografo
Patsy ClinePatsy Clinemusiche
Garrett Lewisarredatore
Ellen Chenowethcasting
David M. Haberscenografo
Dorothy J. Pearltruccatore
Toni-ann Walkerparrucchiere
Robert l. Stevensonparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1985)

Version USA(1985)