Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Sweet Smell of Love (1965)

Original title: una vergine per un bastardo
Production: Germany, UK, Italy|85 min| black and white
Dramatic, Romantic, Crime
Poster of movie Sweet Smell of Love
on a mediterranean island live rita and paco, a young deaf and dumb, tied from childhood by a tender, chaste, loving person. the life of the two is upset by the arrival of an american sailor who has carried out a robbery on a yacht and tries to hide. the man seduces the naive girl and the two decide to get married, but he soon takes off.


ManEdward Deinregista
Ubaldo Ragonaregista

Production and Screenplay

Karl Heinz Deikersceneggiatore
Ubaldo Ragonasceneggiatore
William Rowlandproduttore
Karl Heinz deickertsceneggiatore
Joseph Justmanproduttore

Characters and Interpreters


Technical staff

ManGiancarlo Cappellimontatore
Ugo Calisemusiche
Franco Delli colliFranco Delli collidirettore della fotografia