Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Tarzan and the Jungle Boy (1968)

Original title: tarzan and the jungle boy
Production: USA|99 min
Dramatic, Action, Adventure
Poster of movie Tarzan and the Jungle Boy

Origin of the subject


Robert DayRobert Dayregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert DayRobert Dayproduttore
Stephen Lordsceneggiatore
Sy Weintraubproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Tarzan - Lord John Clayton III
Mike Henry(età:32)
Aliza Gur(età:24)
Steve Bond(età:15)
José LewgoyJosé Lewgoy(età:48)
Rafer JohnsonRafer Johnson(età:34)
Ron Gans(età:37)

Technical staff

Igo Kantormusiche
Herbert Smithscenografo
William Loosemusiche
Reg Brownemontatore