Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Tarzan's Magic Fountain (1949)

Original title: tarzan's magic fountain
Production: USA|73 min| black and white
Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Poster of movie Tarzan's Magic Fountain
This movie is episode 1 of the series Tarzan 1949-1953 composed by:

Origin of the subject


Lee Sholemregista

Production and Screenplay

Sol Lesserproduttore
Curt SiodmakCurt Siodmaksceneggiatore
Harry Chandleesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Brenda JoyceBrenda Joyce(età:32)
Tarzan - Lord John Clayton III
Lex BarkerLex Barker(età:30)
mr. dodd
Charles DrakeCharles Drake(età:32)
mr. trask
Albert DekkerAlbert Dekker(età:45)
gloria james jessup
Evelyn AnkersEvelyn Ankers(età:31)
douglas jessup
Alan NapierAlan Napier(età:46)
Ted Hecht(età:41)
Henry KulkyHenry Kulky(età:38)
Elmo LincolnElmo Lincoln(età:60)
David Bond(età:35)
Rick Vallin(età:30)
Shep HoughtonShep Houghton(età:35)
Ray Beltram(età:61)
Joe GarcioJoe Garcio(età:45)
Boyd Cabeen(età:28)

Technical staff

Karl StrussKarl Strussdirettore della fotografia
Otto Siegelarredatore
Norbert A. mylestruccatore
Mcclure Cappsscenografo
Merrill G. Whitemontatore
John Sheetsmontatore
Phil Paradisescenografo