Database of cinema, music, history and literature

tea and sympathy (1956)

Original title: tea and sympathy
Production: USA|122 min|

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Robert Andersonsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

John Kerr (attore)(età:25)
(john kerr)
Leif EricksonLeif Erickson(età:45)
(leif erickson)
Edward AndrewsEdward Andrews(età:42)
(edward andrews)
Darryl HickmanDarryl Hickman(età:25)
Norma Crane
(norma crane)
Dean JonesDean Jones(età:25)
(dean jones)
Jacqueline Dewit
(jacqueline dewit)
Tom LaughlinTom Laughlin(età:25)
(tom laughlin)
Ralph Votrian(età:22)
(ralph votrian)
Steven TerrellSteven Terrell(età:27)
Kip King(età:19)
Jimmy Hayes(età:28)
(jimmy hayes)
Mary Alan HokansonMary Alan Hokanson(età:40)
(mary alan hokanson)
Richard Tyler
Paul BryarPaul Bryar(età:46)
Richard Tyler(età:24)
Don Burnett(età:26)
Peter LeedsPeter Leeds(età:39)

Technical staff

Adolph DeutschAdolph Deutschmusiche
ManFerris Webstermontatore
John Altondirettore della fotografia
Helen RoseHelen Rosecostumista
Edward C. carfagnoscenografo
William A. HorningWilliam A. Horningscenografo
William J. tuttleWilliam J. tuttletruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1956)