Database of cinema, music, history and literature

team america (2004)

Original title: team america world police
Production: USA|98 min
Animation, Comedy, Adventure
Poster of movie team america
they are superheroes who fight to defeat terrorism and remove celebrities from poverty.


Trey ParkerTrey Parkerregista

Production and Screenplay

Trey ParkerTrey Parkerproduttore
Trey ParkerTrey Parkersceneggiatore
Matt Stoneproduttore
Matt Stonesceneggiatore
Pam Bradyproduttore
Pam Bradysceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters


Technical staff

Bill Popedirettore della fotografia
Jim Dultzscenografo
Karen Patchcostumista
Trey ParkerTrey Parkermusiche
Tom Vogtmontatore
John Bergerscenografo
Matt Hidalgocasting
Tom Valentinescenografo
Richard C.walkerscenografo
John Carnochanmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2004)

Davide LeporeDavide Lepore Voice of Joe
Letizia CiampaLetizia Ciampa Voice of Lisa

Version Originale(2004)

Kristen MillerKristen Miller Voice of Lisa