Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Three Daughters (1961)

Original title: teen kanya
Production: USA|173 min| black and white
Horror, Dramatic, Episodes
Poster of movie Three Daughters


Satyajit RaySatyajit Rayregista

Production and Screenplay

Satyajit RaySatyajit Rayproduttore
Satyajit RaySatyajit Raysceneggiatore
Aminyanath Mukherjiproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Soumitra ChatterjeeSoumitra Chatterjee(età:26)
Gopal Sen
Devi Neogy
Santosh DuttaSantosh Dutta(età:36)
Kumar Roy
Govinda Chakravarti
(maestro e narratore)
Kanika Majumdar
Aparna SenAparna Sen(età:16)
Anil ChatterjeeAnil Chatterjee(età:32)
Gita Dey(età:30)
Kali Bannerjee
(phanibhushan saha)

Technical staff

Satyajit RaySatyajit Raymusiche
Dulal Duttamontatore
Bansi Chandraguptascenografo
Soumendu Roydirettore della fotografia
Sakti Sentruccatore