Database of cinema, music, history and literature

teenage rebel (1956)

Original title: teenage rebel
Production: USA|94 min| black and white|

Festivals and awards


Edmund GouldingEdmund Gouldingregista
Paul JohanssonPaul Johanssonregista

Production and Screenplay

Edmund GouldingEdmund Gouldingsceneggiatore
Walter ReischWalter Reischsceneggiatore
Charles BrackettCharles Brackettsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Michael RennieMichael Rennie(età:47)
(michael rennie)
Mildred NatwickMildred Natwick(età:51)
(mildred natwick)
Rusty Swope
(rusty swope)
Lili Gentle(età:16)
(lili gentle)
Louise BeaversLouise Beavers(età:58)
(louise beavers)
Irene Hervey
(irene hervey)
John Stephenson
(john stephenson)
Betty Lou Keim(età:18)
(betty lou keim)
Warren BerlingerWarren Berlinger(età:19)
(warren berlinger)
Diane JergensDiane Jergens(età:21)
(diane jergens)
Pattie Chapman(età:30)
James O'rear(età:42)
(james o'rear)
James Stone(età:58)
(james stone)

Technical staff

Ray Kelloggeffetti speciali
Joseph McdonaldJoseph Mcdonalddirettore della fotografia
Jack Martin SmithJack Martin Smithscenografo
Leigh HarlineLeigh Harlinemusiche
Mary Willscostumista
Ben NyeBen Nyetruccatore
William Macemontatore
ManWalter M. Scottscenografo
Lyle R. WheelerLyle R. Wheelerscenografo
ManStuart A. Reissscenografo
Charles Le maireCharles Le mairecostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1956)