Database of cinema, music, history and literature

tekken (2010)

Original title: tekken
Production: Japan, USA|92 min
Action, Violence, Martial arts
Poster of movie tekken


Production and Screenplay

Michael Collearysceneggiatore
Mike Werbsceneggiatore
Alan B. Mcelroysceneggiatore
Charles Stone iiisceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

jin kazama
Jon FooJon Foo(età:28)
kazuya mishima
heihachi mishima
christie monteiro
Kelly OvertonKelly Overton(età:32)
steve fox
Luke GossLuke Goss(età:42)
marshall law
Cung LeCung Le(età:38)
bryan fury
Gary Daniels(età:47)
nina williams
anna williams
Marian ZapicoMarian Zapico(età:28)
eddy gordo
jun kazama
Tamlyn TomitaTamlyn Tomita(età:44)
sergei dragunov
miguel caballero rojo
craig marduk
Mircea MonroeMircea Monroe(età:28)
nathan jones

Technical staff

John Huntermusiche
Nathan Amondsonscenografo
Brian J. reynoldsdirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2010)