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TekWar: TekJustice [filmTV] (1994)

Original title: tekwar: tekjustice
Production: Canada, USA|100 min| tv movie
Action, Science fiction, Adventure
Poster of movie TekWar: TekJustice [filmTV]


Production and Screenplay

ManJohn Calvertproduttore
Morgan GendelMorgan Gendelscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

Greg EviganGreg Evigan(età:41)
Jacob TierneyJacob Tierney(età:15)
Eugene ClarkEugene Clark(età:43)
Marc MarutMarc Marut(età:15)
Von FloresVon Flores(età:34)
Gordon Masten(età:44)

Technical staff

Louis Natalemusiche
Marlene Purittarredatore