Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Terror in the Aisles (1984)

Original title: terror in the aisles
Production: USA|74 min
Documentary, Thriller, Horror
Poster of movie Terror in the Aisles


Andrew J. Kuehnregista

Production and Screenplay

Gregory Mcclatchyproduttore
Andrew J. Kuehnproduttore
Margery Doppeltsceneggiatore
Margery Doppeltscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Donald PleasenceDonald Pleasence(età:65)
Diane Stilwell(età:31)
Nancy AllenNancy Allen(età:34)
Angel Salazar
Fred AsparagusFred Asparagus(età:37)
Joel s. Rice
colin clive
ralph bellamy
piper laurie
lou costello
bud abbott
john cassavetes
robert walker
max von sydow
Nick Castle
Lon Chaney Jr.
Jerry Lewis
Bela Lugosi
debbie harry
brooke adams
rod taylor
boris karloff
jack weston
michael caine
elsa lanchester
martin balsam
anthony perkins
angie dickinson
jessica tandy
patricia owens

Technical staff

John   I BealJohn I Bealmusiche
Gregory Mcclatchymontatore
John A. Alonzodirettore della fotografia
Laurie Aiellotruccatore
William Flickermontatore