Database of cinema, music, history and literature

that championship season (1982)

Original title: that championship season
110 min|

Festivals and awards


Jason Millerregista

Production and Screenplay

Jason Millersceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

george sitkowski
james daley
coach delaney
tom daley
phil romano
Arthur FranzArthur Franz(età:62)
Martin SheenMartin Sheen(età:42)
Paul SorvinoPaul Sorvino(età:43)
Bruce DernBruce Dern(età:46)
Stacy KeachStacy Keach(età:41)

Technical staff

Bill ContiBill Contimusiche
Richard Halseymontatore
Robert R.bentonscenografo
Ward Prestonscenografo
John BaileyJohn Baileydirettore della fotografia