Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the abominable snowman of the himalayas (1957)

Original title: the abominable snowman of the himalayas
Production: UK|91 min| black and white
Science fiction, Dramatic, Horror, Action
Poster of movie the abominable snowman of the himalayas


Val GuestVal Guestregista

Production and Screenplay

Nigel Knealesceneggiatore
Aubrey Baringproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

dottor tom friend
dottor john rollason
Peter CushingPeter Cushing(età:44)
helen rollason
Peter Fox
andrew mcnee
Wolfe MorrisWolfe Morris(età:32)
Arnold Marle(età:70)

Technical staff

Humphrey Searlemusiche
Bill Lennymontatore
Arthur Grantdirettore della fotografia
Bernard Robinsonscenografo
Beatrice Dawsoncostumista
Henry Montsashtruccatore
Philip Leakeytruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1957)