Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the accidental tourist (1988)

Original title: the accidental tourist
Production: USA|121 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie the accidental tourist
an emotionally distant writer of travel guides must carry on with his life after his son is killed and his marriage crumbles.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Lawrence KasdanLawrence Kasdanregista

Production and Screenplay

John MalkovichJohn Malkovichproduttore esecutivo
Lawrence KasdanLawrence Kasdanproduttore
Lawrence KasdanLawrence Kasdansceneggiatore
Charles Okunproduttore
Michael Grilloproduttore
Frank GalatiFrank Galatisceneggiatore
Phyllis Carlyleproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

William HurtWilliam Hurt(età:38)
(Macon Leary)
Geena DavisGeena Davis(età:31)
(muriel pritchett)
Amy WrightAmy Wright(età:38)
(rose leary)
Kathleen TurnerKathleen Turner(età:34)
(Sarah Leary)
David Ogden StiersDavid Ogden Stiers(età:46)
(porter leary)
Ed Begley jr.Ed Begley jr.(età:39)
(charles leary)
Bill PullmanBill Pullman(età:34)
Robert Hy Gorman(età:8)
(alexander pritchett)
Bradley Mott
(sig. loomis)
Seth Granger(età:14)
(ethan leary)
Jon KasdanJon Kasdan(età:9)
Jake KasdanJake Kasdan(età:14)

Technical staff

Carol Littletonmontatore
Ruth Myerscostumista
Bo Welchscenografo
Wallis Nicitacasting
Tom Duffieldscenografo
John BaileyJohn Baileydirettore della fotografia
Leonard Engelmantruccatore
Cricket Rowlandscenografo
Cricket Rowlandarredatore
Lynda Gurasichparrucchiere
Vincent Callaghantruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1988)