Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the adventures of tom sawyer (1938)

Original title: the adventures of tom sawyer
Production: USA|91 min
Comedy, Adventure
Poster of movie the adventures of tom sawyer

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Norman TaurogNorman Taurogregista

Production and Screenplay

Marshall NeilanMarshall Neilansceneggiatore
John V.A. Weaversceneggiatore
David O. Selznickproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

avvocato difensore
Becky Thatcher
Ann GillisAnn Gillis(età:11)
Joe Harper
Jean PorterJean Porter(età:13)
Victor KilianVictor Kilian(età:47)
Donald MeekDonald Meek(età:60)
zia Polly
May RobsonMay Robson(età:80)
mrs. harper
injun joe
Victor JoryVictor Jory(età:36)
muff potter
giudice thatcher
huckleberry finn
Jackie Moran(età:15)
little jim
Philip Hurlic(età:11)
mr. dobbins
Olin HowlandOlin Howland(età:52)
sid sawyer
David Holt(età:11)
mrs. thatcher
Nana BryantNana Bryant(età:50)
mary sawyer
amy lawrence
Harry Myers(età:56)
Tommy Kelly(età:13)

Technical staff

Max SteinerMax Steinermusiche
James Wong howeJames Wong howedirettore della fotografia
Walter PlunkettWalter Plunkettcostumista
ManCasey Robertsscenografo
Lyle R. WheelerLyle R. Wheelerscenografo
Margaret Clanceymontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1938)