Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the amazing spider-man (2012)

Original title: the amazing spider-man
Production: USA|136 min
Science fiction, Dramatic, Action
Poster of movie the amazing spider-man
This movie is episode 1 of the series amazing spider-man composed by:

Festivals and awards


Marc WebbMarc Webbregista

Production and Screenplay

Steve KlovesSteve Klovessceneggiatore
Alvin SargentAlvin Sargentsceneggiatore
James Vanderbiltsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Rhys IfansRhys Ifans(età:45)
(curt connors / lizard)
Emma StoneEmma Stone(età:24)
(gwen stacy)
Denis LearyDenis Leary(età:55)
(cap. george stacy)
Campbell ScottCampbell Scott(età:51)
(Richard Parker)
Martin SheenMartin Sheen(età:72)
(Ben Parker)
Sally FieldSally Field(età:66)
(may parker)
Irrfan KhanIrrfan Khan(età:45)
(dott. ratha)
Chris ZylkaChris Zylka(età:27)
(flash thompson)
Kary Coleman
(helen stacy)
C. Thomas HowellC. Thomas Howell(età:46)
Charlie DepewCharlie Depew(età:16)
(philip stacy)
Jacob Rodier
(simon stacy)
Skyler GisondoSkyler Gisondo(età:16)
(howard stacy)
Embeth DavidtzEmbeth Davidtz(età:47)
(mary parker)
Michael MasseeMichael Massee(età:60)
(dirigente della oscorp)
Stan LeeStan Lee(età:90)
(bibliotecario della midtown science high school)
may reilly
george stacy
dr. ratha
Max CharlesMax Charles(età:9)
Amber StevensAmber Stevens(età:26)

Technical staff

James HornerJames Hornermusiche
Pietro ScaliaPietro Scaliamontatore
John SchwartzmanJohn Schwartzmandirettore della fotografia
Kym Barrettcostumista
John FrazierJohn Fraziereffetti speciali
Alan Edward Bellmontatore
J. Michael rivascenografo
Wayne Totheffetti speciali
Roland Blancafloreffetti speciali

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2012)

Massimo LodoloMassimo Lodolo Voice of dr. ratha
Antonio SannaAntonio Sanna Voice of george stacy
Melina MartelloMelina Martello Voice of may reilly

Music tracks of the soundtrack