Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Amorous Adventures of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza (1976)

Original title: the amorous adventures of don quixote and sancho panza
Production: UK, USA|104 min
Comedy, Musical
Poster of movie The Amorous Adventures of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza
this adult movie is a costume period piece, filmed on location in spain. corey john fisher stars as don quixote. the movie even included musical numbers, with suggestive lyrics too adult to be played on the radio.

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

Raphael Nussbaumproduttore
Raphael Nussbaumscrittore
Roberta Reevesproduttore esecutivo
Al Bukzindialoghi

Characters and Interpreters

Maria Arnold(età:29)
David Clover(età:36)
Candy Samples(età:48)
Anne Gaybis(età:23)
Hy Pyke(età:41)
Dee Cooper(età:56)
Lauren ChapinLauren Chapin(età:31)
Marilyn Brown(età:23)

Technical staff

Richard S. brummermontatore
Ray Sebastiantruccatore
Cher Slaterparrucchiere
William De diegodirettore della fotografia
Don Greatmusiche