Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the amorous adventures of moll flanders (1965)

Original title: the amorous adventures of moll flanders
Production: UK|122 min
Comedy, Adventure

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Terence Youngregista

Production and Screenplay

Roland Kibbeesceneggiatore
Denis Cannansceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Moll Flanders
Kim NovakKim Novak(età:32)
lady blystone
il conte
Leo MckernLeo Mckern(età:45)
il banchiere
Lilli PalmerLilli Palmer(età:51)
Cecil ParkerCecil Parker(età:68)
Daniel Massey(età:32)
Roger LiveseyRoger Livesey(età:59)
Hugh GriffithHugh Griffith(età:53)
Noel HarrisonNoel Harrison(età:31)

Technical staff

John AddisonJohn Addisonmusiche
Ted Mooredirettore della fotografia
Elizabeth Haffendencostumista
Joan Bridgecostumista
Frederick Wilsonmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1965)