Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the beast of the city (1932)

Original title: the beast of the city
Production: UK, USA|85 min| |


Charles BrabinCharles Brabinregista

Production and Screenplay

John Lee Mahinsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Mickey RooneyMickey Rooney(età:12)
Walter HustonWalter Huston(età:48)
Wallace FordWallace Ford(età:34)
John MiljanJohn Miljan(età:40)
Jean HersholtJean Hersholt(età:46)
Jean HarlowJean Harlow(età:21)
Sandy Roth(età:45)

Technical staff

Anne BauchensAnne Bauchensmontatore
Norbert BrodineNorbert Brodinedirettore della fotografia
Euphemia Allenmusiche