Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the blair witch project (1999)

Original title: the blair witch project
Production: USA|87 min
Dramatic, Horror, Fantasy
Poster of movie the blair witch project

Festivals and awards


Daniel Myrickregista
Eduardo SanchezEduardo Sanchezregista

Production and Screenplay

Daniel Myricksceneggiatore
Eduardo SanchezEduardo Sanchezsceneggiatore
Gergg Haleproduttore
Robin Cowieproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Heather Donahue
Michael Williams
Se stesso
josh leonard
mike williams

Technical staff

Daniel Myrickmontatore
Eduardo SanchezEduardo Sanchezmontatore
Neal Fredericksdirettore della fotografia
Tony Coramusiche
Ben Rockscenografo
Ricardo A.morenoscenografo
Brigan Dockingscenografo
George Wylemusiche
Klaus Heeschmusiche
Samuel A. wardmusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1999)

Fabrizio VidaleFabrizio Vidale Voice of mike williams
Oreste BaldiniOreste Baldini Voice of josh leonard