Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Blob! (1958)

Original title: the blob
Production: USA|86 min
Science fiction, Horror
Poster of movie The Blob!
an alien lifeform consumes everything in its path as it grows and grows.
This movie is episode 1 of the series Blob composed by:
The same story is the basis of the movies:


Irvin Yeaworthregista

Production and Screenplay

Kay LinakerKay Linakersceneggiatore
Kate PhillipsKate Phillipssceneggiatore
Theodore Simonsonsceneggiatore
Jack H.harrisproduttore
Jack H. harrisproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Vincent BarbiVincent Barbi(età:46)
Olin HowlandOlin Howland(età:72)
(il vecchio)
Keith Almoney
(danny martin)
Aneta CorsautAneta Corsaut(età:25)
(jane martin)
George Karas
(agente ritchie)
Earl Rowe(età:38)
(tenente dave)
Alden Chase
(dottor hallen)
John Benson(età:42)
(sergente jim bert)
Elinor Hammer
(signora porter)
Hugh Graham
(signor andrews)
Robert Fields(età:24)
(tony gressette)
James Bonnet(età:20)
("mooch" miller)
Elbert Smith
(henry martin)
Steve McQueenSteve McQueen(età:28)
(steve andrews)
Stephen Chase(età:56)
Jasper Deeter(età:65)
Pamela Curran(età:28)
Tony Franke(età:28)

Technical staff

Burt BacharachBurt Bacharachmusiche
Alfred Hillmannmontatore
ManThomas E. Spaldingdirettore della fotografia
William Jerseyscenografo
Vin Kehoetruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1958)

Music tracks of the soundtrack