Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the body (2001)

Original title: the body
Production: USA|109 min|
Dramatic, Thriller
in the basement of jerusalem the body of a man crucified two thousand years ago is found and buried, unique case, in the tomb of a rich man. it would mean that jesus has never risen and the christian religion would receive a severe blow.

Origin of the subject

dal libro: romanzo ()


Jonas Mccordregista

Production and Screenplay

Jonas Mccordsceneggiatore
Rudy Cohenproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

padre matt gutierrez
sharon golban
moshe cohen
John ShrapnelJohn Shrapnel(età:59)
padre lavelle
Derek JacobiDerek Jacobi(età:63)
padre walter winstead
Jason FlemyngJason Flemyng(età:35)
Ian Mcneice(età:51)
Makram KhouryMakram Khoury(età:56)

Technical staff

Alain JakubowiczAlain Jakubowiczmontatore
Lesley Walkermontatore
Vilmos ZsigmondVilmos Zsigmonddirettore della fotografia
Allan StarskiAllan Starskiscenografo
Serge ColbertSerge Colbertmusiche