Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the branded woman (1920)

Original title: the branded woman
Production: USA|84 min| |


Albert Parkerregista

Production and Screenplay

Anita LoosAnita Loossceneggiatore
Albert Parkersceneggiatore
Burns Mantlesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

ruth sawyer
douglas courtenay
Percy MarmontPercy Marmont(età:37)
velvet craft
giudice whitlock
dot belmar
william whitlock
Gaston GlassGaston Glass(età:21)
mrs. bolton
vivian bolton
henry bolton
Henry Carvill(età:54)
herbert averill
Charles LaneCharles Lane(età:15)
Edna MurphyEdna Murphy(età:21)

Technical staff

J. Roy huntJ. Roy huntdirettore della fotografia