Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the bridge of san luis rey (1929)

Original title: the bridge of san luis rey
Production: USA|86 min| black and white|
Poster of movie the bridge of san luis rey

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Charles BrabinCharles Brabinregista

Production and Screenplay

Alice Duer millerAlice Duer millersceneggiatore
Marian Ainsleesceneggiatore
Ruth Cummingssceneggiatore
Alice D.g. millersceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

lili damita
Lili DamitaLili Damita(età:25)
ernest torrence
raquel torres
don Alvarado
Don AlvaradoDon Alvarado(età:25)
duncan renaldo
henry b. walthall
michael vavitch
emily fitzroy
Emily FitzroyEmily Fitzroy(età:69)
Jane Winton(età:24)
Paul Ellis(età:33)

Technical staff

Cedric GibbonsCedric Gibbonsscenografo
Margaret BoothMargaret Boothmontatore
Merritt B. Gerstaddirettore della fotografia
Peter Brunellimusiche
Carli Elinormusiche