Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the burma conspiracy - largo winch 2 (2011)

Original title: largo winch 2
Production: Belgium, France, Germany|114 min
Thriller, Action, Adventure
Poster of movie the burma conspiracy - largo winch 2
largo winch, the newly appointed ceo of the w group, is accused of crimes against humanity on the very day he announces his intention to sell his corporation and use the proceeds to create a humanitarian foundation.
This movie is episode 2 of the series largo winch composed by:


Jérôme SalleJérôme Salleregista

Production and Screenplay

Eric Zaoualiproduttore
Olivier Rausinproduttore
Julie Viezproduttore
Nathalie Gastaldoproduttore
Sebastian Schelenzproduttore
Jean-yves Asselinproduttore
Chen on Chuproduttore
Breydel Virginieproduttore
M. Reza baharproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

largo winch
Tomer SisleyTomer Sisley(età:37)
nerio winch
simon ovronnaz
diane francken
Sharon StoneSharon Stone(età:53)
dwight cochrane
Ulrich TukurUlrich Tukur(età:54)
alexandre jung
thomas jung
Carlo Brandt(età:57)
Nicolas VaudeNicolas Vaude(età:49)
Pip TorrensPip Torrens(età:51)
Conan StevensConan Stevens(età:42)

Technical staff

Sally MenkeSally Menkemontatore
Denis Roudendirettore della fotografia
Laurent Ottscenografo
Steve Spencescenografo
Gabriele Bindercostumista
Stan Colletmontatore
Pascal Le Guellecscenografo
Agathe Dupuisparrucchiere
Gigi Akokacasting
Virginie Berlandparrucchiere
Emmanuelle Velghetruccatore
Juan Pacíficoparrucchiere
Mike Carpinoparrucchiere
Lionel Letruccatore
Ariane Corbiaucasting
Siwakorn Suklankarntruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2011)