Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the case of sergeant grischa (1930)

Original title: the case of sergeant grischa
Production: USA|91 min| black and white|

Festivals and awards

Oscar 1931 - nomination migliore suono
Assigned to: John Tribby


Herbert BrenonHerbert Brenonregista

Production and Screenplay

Elizabeth Meehansceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

chester morris
betty compson
Betty CompsonBetty Compson(età:33)
alec b. francis
gustav von seyffertitz
jean hersholt
Jean HersholtJean Hersholt(età:44)
leyland hodgson
paul mcallister
raymond whitaker
bernard siegel
frank mccormack
percy barbette
hal davis

Technical staff

Max SteinerMax Steinermusiche
Walter PlunkettWalter Plunkettcostumista
John Tribbytecnico del suono
J. Roy huntJ. Roy huntdirettore della fotografia
Max Réescenografo
Marie Halveymontatore