Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Chain Reaction (1980)

Original title: the chain reaction
Production: Australia|96 min
Thriller, Dramatic, Action
Poster of movie The Chain Reaction


Ian Barryregista

Production and Screenplay

George MillerGeorge Millerproduttore
Ian Barrysceneggiatore
Ian Barryscrittore
David Elfickproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

larry stilson
Steve BisleySteve Bisley(età:29)
carmel stilson
heinrich schmidt
Ross Thompson(età:71)
junior constable pigott
sergente mcsweeney
meccanico barbuto
Mel GibsonMel Gibson(età:24)
Kim Gyngell(età:28)
Patrick Ward(età:30)

Technical staff

Russell BoydRussell Boyddirettore della fotografia
Norma Moriceaucostumista
Tim Wellburnmontatore
Graham Grace walkerGraham Grace walkerscenografo
Lynn Gaileytruccatore
Mitch Mathewscasting

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1980)