Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the citadel (1938)

Original title: the citadel
Production: UK, USA|110 min| black and white
Dramatic, Romantic

Festivals and awards

Oscar 1939 - nomination Migliore film
Assigned to: Victor Saville
Oscar 1939 - nomination migliore regia
Assigned to: King Vidor
Oscar 1939 - nomination miglior attore
Assigned to: Robert Donat

Origin of the subject


King VidorKing Vidorregista

Production and Screenplay

Victor SavilleVictor Savilleproduttore
Ian Dalrymplesceneggiatore
Elizabeth Hillsceneggiatore
Emlyn WilliamsEmlyn Williamssceneggiatore
Frank Wilber Weadsceneggiatore
John Van drutenJohn Van drutensceneggiatore
Frank Weadsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

dottor Andrew Manson
Robert DonatRobert Donat(età:33)
christine barlow
dottor philip denny
dottor lawford
Rex HarrisonRex Harrison(età:30)
toppy leroy
charles every
Cecil ParkerCecil Parker(età:41)
mrs. thornton
mr. boon
Felix AylmerFelix Aylmer(età:49)
robert donat
rosalind russell
Bernard Miles(età:31)
Percy Parsons(età:66)
Basil Gill(età:61)

Technical staff

Alfred JungeAlfred Jungescenografo
Lazare MeersonLazare Meersonscenografo
Charles FrendCharles Frendmontatore
Louis Levymusiche
Harry Stradling sr.Harry Stradling sr.direttore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1938)

Giulio PanicaliGiulio Panicali Voice of robert donat
Tina LattanziTina Lattanzi Voice of rosalind russell