Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Croods (2013)

Original title: the croods
Production: USA|98 min
Animation, Comedy, Action
Poster of movie The Croods
after their cave is destroyed, a caveman family must trek through an unfamiliar fantastical world with the help of an inventive boy.
This movie is episode 1 of the series Croods composed by:

Festivals and awards


Kirk De miccoregista
Chris Sandersregista

Production and Screenplay

John CleeseJohn Cleesescrittore
Chris Sanders (regista)Chris Sanders (regista)sceneggiatore
Kirk De miccosceneggiatore
Kirk De miccoscrittore
Chris Sanderssceneggiatore
Chris Sandersscrittore
Kristine Belsonproduttore
Jane Hartwellproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

chris sanders

Technical staff

Alan SilvestriAlan Silvestrimusiche
Leslee Feldmancasting
Yong Duk jhundirettore della fotografia
Darren T. Holmesmontatore
Dominique Louisscenografo
Eric Dapkewiczmontatore
Sean Mullenscenografo
Christi Sopercasting
Paul Duncanscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2013)

Emiliano ColtortiEmiliano Coltorti Voice of Guy
Alice Porto Voice of Sandy
Rosalia MisseriRosalia Misseri Voice of eep
Marco GuadagnoMarco Guadagno Voice of laccio
Laura BoccaneraLaura Boccanera Voice of ugga
Francesco PannofinoFrancesco Pannofino Voice of grug
Luigi MorvilleLuigi Morville Voice of tonco

Version Originale(2013)

Chris Sanders (regista)Chris Sanders (regista) Voice of laccio
Clark DukeClark Duke Voice of tonco
Catherine KeenerCatherine Keener Voice of ugga
Cloris LeachmanCloris Leachman Voice of nonna
Nicolas CageNicolas Cage Voice of grug
Randy Thom Voice of Sandy
Emma StoneEmma Stone Voice of eep
Ryan ReynoldsRyan Reynolds Voice of Guy