Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the crow: salvation (2000)

Original title: the crow: salvation
Production: USA|102 min
Thriller, Horror, Fantasy
unjustly condemned to the electric chair for the murder of his girlfriend, alex corvis returns from the grave to find out who the real murderer is. during the search he meets erin, sister of the beloved, and tries to convince her of his innocence; then, when he discovers that the police chief may be hiding behind the crime, he understands that erin is also in grave danger.
This movie is episode 3 of the series crow composed by:


Bharat Nalluriregista

Production and Screenplay

Jeff Mostproduttore
Edward R.pressmanEdward R.pressmanproduttore
Alessandro Camonproduttore
Chip JohannessenChip Johannessensceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Kirsten DunstKirsten Dunst(età:18)
Eric MabiusEric Mabius(età:29)
Kirsten DunstKirsten Dunst(età:18)
(erin randall)
Eric MabiusEric Mabius(età:29)
(il Corvo)
Jodi Lyn O'keefeJodi Lyn O'keefe(età:22)
(lauren randall)
William AthertonWilliam Atherton(età:53)
(nathan randall)
Fred WardFred Ward(età:58)
(il capitano john)
Dale MidkiffDale Midkiff(età:41)
(vincent erlich)
Grant ShaudGrant Shaud(età:40)
(Peter Walsh)
Tim DekayTim Dekay(età:37)
(martin toomey)
alex corvis/il corvo

Technical staff

Marco BeltramiMarco Beltramimusiche
Luis Colinamontatore
Erin Lyonscostumista
Carolyn Chendirettore della fotografia
David Leamaestro d'armi
Howard E. Smithmontatore
Maia Javanscenografo
Gina Homancostumista
Marielos Pantelakistruccatore
Chris Aystatruccatore
Samantha Weavercostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2000)