Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Dancing Men (1968)

Original title: the dancing men
52 min| black and white| tv series
Horror, Dramatic, Mystery
country land-owner hilton cubitt is concerned about his american wife elsie who seems to have been communicating with an unknown party, using a set of hieroglyphics which resemble dancing men.

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

William Sterlingproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Peter CushingPeter Cushing(età:55)
Nigel StockNigel Stock(età:49)
Gwen NelsonGwen Nelson(età:67)
Brenda BruceBrenda Bruce(età:49)
Maxwell ReedMaxwell Reed(età:49)
Judee Morton(età:28)
David Simeon(età:25)
Henry Gilbert(età:55)

Technical staff

Max Harrismusiche